The Ch ImageMagick package is a Ch binding to the ImageMagick C library. Ch ImageMagick enables all functions in the ImageMagick library for use in Ch. With Ch ImageMagick, these functions can run in Ch interpretively without compilation. Ch is an embeddable C/C++ interpreter for cross platform scripting, 2D/3D plotting, numerical computing and embedded scripting. More information about Ch can be found at More information about Ch can be found at More information about the ImageMagick C library can be found at Release Notes: -------------------------------------------- Ch ImageMagick version 1.0.0, June 22, 2005 System Requirements -------------------------------------------- (1) Ch Standard or Professional Edition version or higher. Ch is available from (2) It has been tested and works with ImageMagick version 6.2.3-3. It might work with lower versions without guarantee. Contents -------------------------- Ch ImageMagick package contains the following directories (1) Files and utilities used to build Ch ImageMagick package using native C compiler and Ch SDK Makefile --- makefile for handing different commands chfcreate --- bare ImageMagick headers for creating .chf files chfhandmade --- Ch function files in .chf for special functions demos --- demos to run in Ch magick.sed --- Sed script used in --- A Ch program to update Ch ImageMagick package license --- license file (2) chmagick - Ch ImageMagick package chmagick/demos --- ImageMagick demo programs in C readily to run in Ch chmagick/bin --- ImageMagick dynamical library and commands chmagick/dl --- dynamically loaded library chmagick/include --- header files chmagick/lib --- function files Installation Instructions: -------------------------- (1a) Build and install the C ImageMagick library. (1b) Run command make make install Uninstallation Instructions: -------------------------- (1) Run command make uninstall Run Demo Programs in Directory CHHOME/package/chmagick/demos: ------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: Some demos require that the C ImageMagick Library be installed due to needing the magick configure file, magick.xml. (1) start ch (2) type program name such as 'constitute.c' How to update Ch ImageMagick package for newer versions of ImageMagick: ------------------------------------------------------------- (1) If Ch has not been installed in your computer, install Ch from (2) Run make (3) install the newly created Ch ImageMagick package by command make install (4) Questions specific to using Ch SDK to update Ch ImageMagick can be posted in either ImageMagick discussion group or Ch discussion group at Contributors ------------------------------------------------------ Stephen Nestinger